dir darts main Darts include directory
- file array2d.h Class Array2d.
- file box.h Contains the implementation of a generic, N-dimensional axis-aligned Box class.
- file camera.h Class Camera.
- file common.h Common include files and various utility functions.
- file factory.h Implementation of the abstract factory.
- file fwd.h Various forward declaration.
- file image.h Class Image, Image3f, and Image4f.
- file json.h Serialization and deserialization of various darts types to/from JSON.
- file material.h Class Material.
- file math.h Contains various classes for linear algebra: vectors, matrices, rays, axis-aligned bounding boxes.
- file mesh.h Class Mesh.
- file parallel.h parallel processing functionality
- file progress.h Class Progress.
- file ray.h Contains the definition of a generic, N-dimension Ray class.
- file sampling.h Random sampling on various domains.
- file scene.h Class Scene.
- file sphere.h Class Sphere.
- file spherical.h Namespace Spherical.
- file surface.h Class HitInfo, Surface, and XformedSurfaceWithMaterial.
- file surface_group.h Class SurfaceGroup.
- file test.h Class Test.
- file transform.h Class Transform.
- file triangle.h Class Triangle.
dir src main Darts source directory
dir materials Darts Material plugins source directory.
- file dielectric.cpp Dielectric Material.
- file diffuse_light.cpp DiffuseLight emissive Material.
- file lambertian.cpp Lambertian Material.
- file material.cpp Material and fresnel utility functions.
- file metal.cpp Metal Material.
dir media Darts Medium plugins source directory.
- file homogeneous.cpp HomogeneousMedium Medium.
- file nanovdb_medium.cpp NanoVDBMedium Medium.
- file vacuum.cpp VacuumMedium Medium.
dir surfaces Darts Surface plugins source directory.
- file bbh.cpp BBH SurfaceGroup.
- file mesh.cpp Mesh Surface.
- file quad.cpp Quad Surface.
- file sphere.cpp Sphere Surface.
- file surface.cpp Surface, XformedSurface, and XformedSurfaceWithMaterial.
- file surface_group.cpp SurfaceGroup Surface.
- file triangle.cpp Triangle Surface.
dir tests Darts Test plugins source directory.
- file intersection_test.cpp Class IntersectionTest.
- file material_scatter_test.cpp Class MaterialScatterTest.
- file darts.cpp The main Darts executable.
- file darts_tutorial0.cpp A tutorial stepping through basic Darts functionality.
- file darts_tutorial1.cpp A tutorial walking through writing your first path tracer in Darts.
- file img_avg.cpp Utility program to average two or more images.
- file img_compare.cpp Utility program to compare two images.
dir materials Darts Material plugins source directory.