src/darts_tutorial1.cpp file

A tutorial walking through writing your first path tracer in Darts.


void test_manual_camera_image()
Generate rays by hand.
void test_JSON()
Learn about how darts uses JSON.
void test_camera_class_image()
Generating the same image as in test_manual_camera_image(), but using the Camera class.
void test_transforms()
Working with darts Transform.
void test_xformed_camera_image()
Finally, we render an image like before, but allow our camera to be positioned and oriented using a Transform.
void test_ray_sphere_intersection()
Now, we will implement ray-sphere intersection.
void test_sphere_image()
Now: Let's allow our camera to be positioned and oriented using a Transform, and will use it to raytrace a Sphere.
void test_materials()
It's time to test materials!
void test_recursive_raytracing()
Now that we can scatter off of surfaces, let's try this out and render a scene with different materials.