Utilities module

Printing utilities, command-line parsing, and other conveniences.


class DartsException
An exception storing a human-readable error description passed in using fmt:format-style arguments.
template<typename T>
class Range
Python-style range: iterates from min to max in range-based for loops.
template<int N, typename T>
class RangeND
Python-style range, but for nested, multi-dimensional loops (up to 4 dimensions).
class Progress
A thread-safe helper object to display and update a progress bar in the terminal.


template<class To, class From>
auto bit_cast(const From& src) -> std::enable_if_t<sizeof(To)==sizeof(From) && std::is_trivially_copyable_v<From> && std::is_trivially_copyable_v<To>, To> noexcept
std::bit_cast is only available starting with C++20, so we provide a version
template<typename T>
auto range(T end) -> Range<T>
Construct a Python-style range from a single parameter end.
template<typename T>
auto range(T start, T end, T step = T(1)) -> Range<T>
Construct a Python-style range from start, up to but excluding end, in increments of step.
auto get_file_resolver() -> filesystem::resolver&
Return the global file resolver instance.

Formatted printing and logging

Darts provides a convenient way to report information to the user.

This is all based on the spdlog and fmt libraries. You can find extensive documentation for both of these linked from the Code organization section, but in a nutshell:

Formatted printing to the console or to strings:

Darts includes the fmt library to provide a modern replacement for cout or printf.

The two most useful functions are:


See the fmt library website for complete documentation.


The spdlog library provides a number of functions:

  • spdlog::debug
  • spdlog::info
  • spdlog::warn
  • spdlog::err
  • spdlog::critical

These operate just like fmt::print, but colorize the output based on the type of message. Darts can also globally disable messages below a certain threshold to control the verbosity of the output (this is done in darts_init, and controlled by a command-line argument in src/darts.cpp).

Darts also allows you to print and update a nice progress bar (see Progress) for long operations.

void darts_init(int verbosity = spdlog::level::info)
Initialize darts before parsing or rendering a scene.
auto time_string(double time, int precision = 2) -> string
Convert a time value in milliseconds into a human-readable string.
auto indent(const std::string& string, int amount = 2) -> string
Indent a string by the specified number of spaces.
#define put_your_code_here(txt)
Warning signaling unimplemented features.

Gathering and reporting runtime statistics

Darts makes it very easy to gather runtime statistics about what happens during the executation of the program.

This functionality is largely based off of that in PBRT and adapted to our codebase.

Using the below macros, you can easily create statistics that you'd like to track during execution, and have summaries printed out after rendering. Available statitic types include:

These macros take a string that will be used as a title in the statistics report returned by stats_report(), and the names(s) for the global variables to create for tracking this statistic.

For instance, to keep track of the number of camera rays traced during rendering we call the following macro at the top of camera.cpp to create a counter:

STAT_COUNTER("Integrator/Camera rays traced", num_camera_rays);

This creates a global variable named num_camera_rays. During rendering we can simply increment it:


whenever we trace a new camera ray.

At the end of rendering, this will be reported as follows (assuming we print the report generated by stats_report):

    Camera rays traced                                            3002370
auto stats_report() -> std::string
Return a string containing a report about all globally registered statistics.
void clear_stats()
Clear all statistics.
void accumulate_thread_stats()
Accumulate the statistics gathered in separate threads together.
#define STAT_COUNTER(title, var)
Create a thread-safe integer statistic counting some quantity.
#define STAT_MEMORY_COUNTER(title, var)
Create a thread-safe integer statistic counting memory usage.
#define STAT_INT_DISTRIBUTION(title, var)
Create a thread-safe statistic keeping track of a distribution of integer values.
#define STAT_FLOAT_DISTRIBUTION(title, var)
Create a thread-safe statistic keeping track of a distribution of floating-point values.
#define STAT_PERCENT(title, num_var, denom_var)
Create a thread-safe statistic keeping track of a floating point value expressed as a percentage.
#define STAT_RATIO(title, num_var, denom_var)
Create a thread-safe statistic keeping track of a floating point value expressed as a ratio.

Function documentation

template<class To, class From>
std::enable_if_t<sizeof(To)==sizeof(From) && std::is_trivially_copyable_v<From> && std::is_trivially_copyable_v<To>, To> bit_cast(const From& src) noexcept

std::bit_cast is only available starting with C++20, so we provide a version

template<typename T>
Range<T> range(T end)

Construct a Python-style range from a single parameter end.

template<typename T>
Range<T> range(T start, T end, T step = T(1))

Construct a Python-style range from start, up to but excluding end, in increments of step.

filesystem::resolver& get_file_resolver()

Return the global file resolver instance.

This class is used to locate resource files (e.g. mesh or texture files) referenced by a scene being loaded.

void darts_init(int verbosity = spdlog::level::info)

Initialize darts before parsing or rendering a scene.

verbosity in specify the verbosity of messages printed to the console

string time_string(double time, int precision = 2)

Convert a time value in milliseconds into a human-readable string.

string indent(const std::string& string, int amount = 2)

Indent a string by the specified number of spaces.

string in The string to indent
amount in The amount of spaces to indent
Returns The indented string

Useful for creating nested indentation within error strings.

std::string stats_report()

Return a string containing a report about all globally registered statistics.

Must call accumulate_thread_stats() from every thread that may have modified the statistics before generating the statistics report.

void clear_stats()

Clear all statistics.

Call this if you'd like to restart gathering statistics during different stages of execution of your program (e.g. rendering multiple images).

void accumulate_thread_stats()

Accumulate the statistics gathered in separate threads together.

Must call this before generating the statistics report using stats_report().

You will need to run this function from the main thread, and from each worker thread that may have updated statistics. You can do this easily using code like this:

accumulate_thread_stats();                // main thread
for_each_thread(accumulate_thread_stats); // worker threads

Define documentation

#define put_your_code_here(txt)

Warning signaling unimplemented features.

Prints out a warning with the line number, but otherwise lets execution continue.

#define STAT_COUNTER(title, var)

Create a thread-safe integer statistic counting some quantity.

title The string containing the name for the statistic
var A variable name to store the statistic

#define STAT_MEMORY_COUNTER(title, var)

Create a thread-safe integer statistic counting memory usage.

title The string containing the name for the statistic
var A variable name to store the statistic

#define STAT_INT_DISTRIBUTION(title, var)

Create a thread-safe statistic keeping track of a distribution of integer values.

title The string containing the name for the statistic
var A variable name to store the statistic

#define STAT_PERCENT(title, num_var, denom_var)

Create a thread-safe statistic keeping track of a floating point value expressed as a percentage.

title The string containing the name for the statistic
num_var A variable name to store the numerator of the percentage
denom_var A variable name to store the denominator of the percentage

#define STAT_RATIO(title, num_var, denom_var)

Create a thread-safe statistic keeping track of a floating point value expressed as a ratio.

title The string containing the name for the statistic
num_var A variable name to store the numerator of the ratio
denom_var A variable name to store the denominator of the ratio