Dielectric class

A smooth dielectric surface that reflects and refracts light according to the specified index of refraction ior.

Base classes

class Material
A base class used to represent surface material properties.

Public functions

auto scatter(const Ray3f& ray, const HitRecord& hit, Color3f& attenuation, Ray3f& scattered) const -> bool override
Compute the scattered direction scattered at a surface hitpoint.

Public variables

float ior
The (relative) index of refraction of the material.

Function documentation

bool Dielectric::scatter(const Ray3f& ray, const HitRecord& hit, Color3f& attenuation, Ray3f& scattered) const override

Compute the scattered direction scattered at a surface hitpoint.

ray in incoming ray
hit in the ray's intersection with the surface
attenuation in how much the light should be attenuated
scattered in the direction light should be scattered
Returns bool True if the surface scatters light

The base Material does not scatter any light, so it simply returns false.