Triangle class

An instance of a triangle for a given face in a mesh.

Base classes

class Surface
This is the abstract superclass for all surfaces.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

Triangle(const json& j)
Parse and construct a single triangle.
Triangle(const json& j, shared_ptr<const Mesh> mesh, uint32_t tri_number)
Construct a single triangle of an existing mesh.

Public functions

auto intersect(const Ray3f& ray, HitRecord& hit) const -> bool override
Ray-Surface intersection test.
auto bounds() const -> Box3f override
Return the surface's world-space AABB.
auto vertices() const -> Mat33f
Return the three vertices of the triangle as columns of a 3x3 matrix.
auto texture_coords() const -> Mat23f
Return the three texture coordinates of the triangle as the columns of a 2x3 matrix.
auto colors() const -> Mat33f
Return the three vertex colors of the triangle as the columns of a 3x3 matrix.

Function documentation

bool Triangle::intersect(const Ray3f& ray, HitRecord& hit) const override

Ray-Surface intersection test.

ray in A 3-dimensional ray data structure with minimum/maximum extent information
hit out A detailed intersection record, which will be filled by the intersection query
Returns True if an intersection was found

Intersect a ray against this surface and return detailed intersection information.